Workaround for XrmToolBox (v1.2016.2.28) Connecting to CRM Online with Multiple Instances

XrmToolBox by Tanguy Touzard is my go to tool for lots of Dynamics CRM related productivity. It comes with lots of plugins that is an accumulative effort of the Dynamics CRM community.

Recently I’m working on a project on CRM Online 2016 with multiple instances (a couple of sandboxes and one production environment). The Dec 2015 version of XrmToolBox seems to introduce a new connection wizard. Somehow in this new wizard it detects the CRM organization name based on the name that specified in the URL. So here’s the story…

On the first screen when the connection wizard prompts the CRM Organization URL, typically I would enter my CRM online URL, e.g: However, when I tried to connect, I ran into the following error message:


Out of the Error Log from XrmToolBox tracing, I found out the following trace:

Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient Information: 8 : Using User Specified Server 
Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient Information: 8 : Trying Live Discovery Server, (Oceania) URI is =
Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient Information: 8 : Found 2 Org(s)
Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient Information: 8 : looking for Org = mycrmonlinedev in the results from CRM's Discovery server list.

Then I came up with a conclusion that it could not find the CRM org based on the first part of the URL. Thanks to Tanguy who provide the answer to this problem:

As mentioned in the error message, if the unique org name (found in developer resources on web application) is different from the name used in the url, then you have to change the url to replace the org name with the unique org name.
A workaround is ready for next release so that you don’t have to do this manual operation

Then when I replace “mycrmonlinedev” part of the URL to the unique org name, which is a bit gibberish, I can connect to my CRM Online sandbox instance properly. (e.g:



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